A priest of a pagan temple in Nicomedia, Saint Lucillian embraced Christianity and repudiated his former position by refusing to offer sacrifice to the Gods. The Governor of the region, Silvanus, saw this as a threat against the peace of the Empire and began searching for the saint, offering a reward for anyone who wold revealed his location. The holy Martyr’s location was revealed, and he was arrested along with other members of the faithful. After being ordered to offer a public sacrifice to the Gods, Saint Lucillian flatly refused explaining that there was no point whatsoever to making an offering to stones carved by the hand of man and to foul demons. As such, he invited the tyrant to do his worst as a servant of the Evil One. The tortures that he patiently had no effect on the Saint who seemed not to even notice them. The next day, the Governor repeated his order for the Saint to make sacrifice under penalty of being thrown into a fiery furnace. The Saint refused saying he had nothing to fear from a temporary fire and would gladly endure it to avoid an eternal one. Four children took up the same cry. The enraged tyrant had them all cast into the furnace, but they were preserved like the Three Holy Children in Babylon. Fearing lest their triumph cause more converts, Silvanus had them all transferred to Chalcedon where they were given one more chance to worship the gods. When the Saint again refused, he was crucified while praising God for being found worthy to suffer a death like that of his Lord.