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Paul the Physician of Corinth

Seeking to become a physician of both bodies and souls, Saint Paul, after completing his studies in medicine, became a monk. Upon entering the monastery, he was immediately assailed by the spirit of lust, but he overcame and uprooted the passion through fasting, prayer, and by making the sign of the precious and life-giving Cross. Enraged by his defeat, the demon deceived a woman to announce that the Monk Paul was a fornicator and the father of her new-born infant. Unfazed by her lies, the Saint prayed that God would reveal the truth and commanded the child to tell the crowd who his father actually was. The child immediately identified a local blacksmith with a strong and clear voice. Thus, Saint Paul’s accuser as well as the demon who inspired them were put to shame, and Saint Paul was given the gift to heal spiritual maladies as an icon of the Great Physician.

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Cyril of the White Lake

As a zealous young monk, Saint Cyril sought a blessing from his elder to fast more than the brethren. His elder, however, encouraged him to first build a firm foundation on the common life so as to avoid temptation and delusion. As such, he developed a rule of prayer with his elder in which the two of them got up together at night and kept vigil, reading the Psalter and making prostrations until the start of the daily office the next morning. This obedience and perseverance made it such that, when the demons attacked through frightful images, he was able to overcome them with the sign of the cross and through the Jesus Prayer. In such ways, he slowly but surely overcame his foes – both his flesh and his bodiless enemies – and was transformed into the likeness of Christ. Later in life, when he had become abbot at the Monastery of the White Lake, the devil sought to assail the Man of God by attacking his spiritual children. The demons continually suggested evil thoughts and attitudes about Saint Cyril to a monk who kept them secret for more than a year. Finally unable to take it anymore, who went to the Saint to confess, but was not able to speak for shame and by the artifice of the evil one. Seeing the clearly the state of the man’s soul, Saint Cyril described his sins to him in detail. The man then fell to his knees in repentance and received forgiveness of his sins, and was thus delivered from torment. For his life of faithfulness, God granted the Saint the gift of healing which he offered liberally to those in need sprinkling them with holy water and anointing them with oil. By these same methods he also cast out a multitude of demons with authority.