A member of the royal family of Emperor Theodore I Lascaris, Saint Theodore rejected the political and religious pressure of the Latin interlopers ushered into power by the Crusaders by becoming a monk and retreating into the wilderness. After being formed in the monastic life at the Monastery of the Sleepless Ones (Akoimetoi), he took on the extreme ascesis of the wandering pilgrim, traveling most especially to the Holy Places in Palestine, Mt. Sinai, and throughout Greece. When, along the way, he settled for a time in a particular location, it was always in an inhospitable place infested with demons. There he would wage unceasing battle against the natural conditions, his flesh, and the demons which he drove away by his prayer and patient endurance. He was especially known for restoring the 7th Century Monastery of the Giromerion where he found a miraculous icon of the Theotokos Hodigitria (She who shows the way – pointing to the Christ Child) which had been preserved from the time of the Iconoclast Heresy. As the keeper of this icon of the Champion Leader and her Son, Saint Nilus was all the more terrible to the enemies of mankind who could not bear to remain in his presence.
Category: 14th Century (+)
Indicates saints who died in the 14th Century.
Sergius and Herman, Founders of the Monastery of Valaam
Saint Sergius came to the far north from Greece to spread to Gospel amongst the tribes there. Preaching life dedicated to the Crucified and Risen Lord, the Saint made his base of operations at the spot where, according to tradition, Saint Andrew the First-Called had planted a cross on his missionary journeys. There he lives a life of strict asceticism, making hand-written copies of the Holy Scripture to learn and study the text at night and then preaching the Word during the day. He lived in this way for more than 50 years, a community forming around him all the while which became the Monastery of Valaam in Lake Ladoga. Saint Herman was his partner in this work, and he was so much like his spiritual father that no one knew if he had always been with him or joined him as a new disciple in his retreat. He led the monastic community faithfully in the spirit and power of Saint Sergius. When Saint Herman died, he was buried in the same tomb with Saint Sergius. Over the years, many attempts were made to access their holy relics, but this was prevented by an uncreated fire that overshadowed the tomb. Firmly rooted in the monastery they had founded, the two Saints never ceased to intercede for the brotherhood and the faithful there. By their prayers, the Lord poured out his grace on the people, especially coming to the aid of sailors and delivering those who were possessed by demons.
Ye appeared as true fulfillers of the Gospel of Christ, living for the sake of Christ as though the world an all therein did not exist. Ye settled on an island in the sea, whereon ye struggled assiduously against the invisible foe; by fasts, vigils, and all-night standing ye wisely subjected your bodies to the spirit; for this cause did ye receive worthy crowns from the right hand of the Almighty One. And now as ye stand before the All-holy Trinity, O all-blessed Fathers Sergius and Herman, pray that we be preserved in peace and that our souls be saved.
(Dismissal Hymn)
Stephen, Bishop of Perm
Enlightener of the land of Perm, Saint Stephen brought the gospel to the pagan tribes of the region, devising an alphabet and translating the Holy Scriptures and the divine services into the native language. His zeal for the faith was such that, motivated by love and concern for the people, he entered their temple, overturned their idols, burned it down, and waited calmly by the charred rubble. When the angry masses arrived, they were prevented from attacking the missionary by an invisible force. Saint Stephen, whose preaching had met with limited success to that point, explained that, if their idols had really been gods, they would have prevented the destruction of the temple and punished him for the attempt. But showing them instead to be the work of the hands of men, he urged the pagans to renounce the demonic delusions that would lead them to suffer unending torment in an eternal fire. Having witnessed the power of God, the people embraced the faith and received Holy Baptism. Saint Stephen was eventually consecrated bishop of Perm, taking up his seat in the land which he had enlightened.