During his missionary journeys in Egypt, the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Mark, the author of the Gospel that bears his name, cast out a demon from a blind child. Overcome with joy, the child’s parents wanted to pay Saint Mark for his services, but he instructed them to give it in alms instead. This miracle of deliverance resulted in many converts to the faith, and, as a result, a church was founded in the city. Continuing his journey, he eventually arrived in Libya where he heard about a woman who had recently died after having been tormented by a demon since childhood. The woman was restored to life by his prayer, and this, too, resulted in many converts to the faith.
Once Thou modest upon the arms of the Virgin and showiest to destruction the demon-altars of Egypt; and then again Thou sestets Mark thither, to give all men understanding of Thine Incarnation and divine mystery, O my Christ.
(Ode Three, Theotokion, Orthros Canon)
When thou becomes a disciple of the Chief Apostle, and with him didst preach Christ as the Son of God, thou modest steadfast on the rock of truth them that were storm-tossed with error. On this rock make me steadfast also, and guide the steps of my soul aright; that, being delivered from the snares of the enemy, I may glorify thee without hindrance. For thou hast enlightened all men, O wise Mark, by preaching the Gospel of divine renown.
(Oikos, Orthros Canon)
Category: Prayer
Indicates saints for whom their defeat of the demons was related to prayer.